About the Institute
The Viktor Frankl Institute of Ireland was founded in 2009. It takes its name from Professor Viktor Emil Frankl (1905-1997), M.D., Ph.D., the world-famous Austrian philosopher, psychiatrist, neurologist, Holocaust survivor, founder of logotherapy and existential analysis, and author of the internationally acclaimed Man’s Search for Meaning, which was voted one of the ten most influential books ever written.
The Institute retains close ties with Vienna, with its international Diploma in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis and Diploma in Clinical Logotherapy being accredited by the International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, at the Viktor Frankl Institute of Vienna, Austria.
To further outreach logotherapy and existential analysis into the global English-speaking community, we offer our prestigious, practitioner’s Diploma in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis as well as a Diploma in Clinical Logotherapy and a Certificate in Logotherapy in a distance-learning format. A non-refund policy is in place with regard to fees already paid.
Successful graduates are eligible to join the International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis at the Viktor Frankl Institute, Vienna, from which they also receive a Certificate of Accreditation and are registered as Logotherapists and Existential Analysts in whatever capacity they happen to be working. This is signed by Eleonore Frankl (Dr Viktor Frankl’s widow), Prof Alexander Batthyany (President and Head of Science Dept), together with 8 other signatories; you will also receive a seal/stamp which may be used on official documents.
Logotherapy & Existential Analysis
Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy (logos = meaning) is the application of existential analysis; it provides a care of the soul (self), a healing through meaning. Existential Analysis (EA), as a form of philosophical practice, emphasizes the need for wholeness in life, viewing the human being in all his/her dimensions: biological, psychological, spiritual (in the non- religious sense), and social. It is a complete, open systems’, integral model. Finding meaning and purpose in life leads to the greatest possible personal fulfilment and flourishing. Existential analysis is philosophy in practice.
Logotherapy and existential analysis extend beyond psychotherapy, mobilising the ‘will to meaning’; as the primary motivational force and factor in the human person. It is a practical and profound approach to living, containing within itself the perennial wisdom of the ages. The principal insights and ideas of logotherapy and existential analysis can be integrated by participants into their personal and professional lives in terms of work and self-development.
Accrediting Body
The Viktor Frankl Institute of Ireland is accredited by, and a certified member of, the International Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (Vienna), the director of which is Prof. Alexander Batthyany, who is Consultant to our Institute, which is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.